“Mind: A beautiful servant, a dangerous master.” – Osho
How it started – Marcus Howl
Passion for delicious food was already present from the time I was a ten-year-old . My mother has been a chef all her life and I can remember like it was yesterday, watching her in the kitchen preparing diner (and burning my fingers on the stove) or visiting her at her work where she would prepare meals for 40 to 50 people in a small kitchen. Years later, after working in restaurants on weekends for 5 years and graduating in a medical discipline, the effect of food on your physical body and biochemistry was becoming clear. At that moment I couldn’t have guessed what impact some food compounds could have on your mind. This became vastly clear when at some point my body shut down because of stress, and my recovery would be physical but also mental. Being a production supervisor in a fast growing company, leading a great team through change, ups and down, and being 24/7 available became too much for me to endure. My recovery included a lot of rest for my physical body and meditation for getting my mind straight. During this period I realized I had to reevaluate my diet as how this could help me with my recovery. After visiting physicians, reading, consulting bare footed hocus-pocus physicians, some more reading it became obvious that for some unspecified time I needed to avoid ‘highs’ and ‘lows’ in my diet. I would avoid food compounds that bring me ‘UP’ but drag you down after wearing out, like sugar and caffeine n while including more fiber, vitamins and protein
As this different approach to food continued and mental health was explored, the ethical side of food came up. Why getting much needed nutrients from meat, fish, poultry… while plant based food, or eggs and diary could offer you equal or even more effective nutrition. This journey started, I wrote down recipes, failed, investigated and evaluated.
“Wise nutrition” is the first physical product of this food adventure and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed it.